Words From the Editor
Amber Kalnas | Editor This is my first issue as an editor, and I am so excited for you all to see what we have been working on so far...

Words From the Editor
Rosamelia Sanchez | Editor From a young age, I have seen life through an artistic lens. I think that is why I have so many hobbies that I...

Words From the Editor
Cielo Giandomenico I Editor My time at LCCC will be ending in May, but it won’t be the end of my college experience. I will be...

Words From the Editor
Laurisa Gruver | Editor There are few things so near and dear to my heart as writing. Much of my childhood was spent writing books and...

Are We Too Reliant on Social Media?
Cielo Giandomenico | Editor Lately, I've been hearing people talk about how obsessed my generation is with technology; phones, computers,...

Brighter Days Ahead
Amber Kalnas | Editor In a little over a week, what I consider to be the best time of the year will be here. On Sunday, March 13, 2022,...

Mightier Than the Sword
Laurisa Gruver | Editor “The pen is mightier than the sword.” This age-old adage from Edward Bulwer-Lytton has wedged itself into society...

LCCC decides it’s time for a social media course
Katherine Lovelidge | Writer It’s 2022. The times are changing rapidly and so is the course selection at Lehigh Carbon Community College...

Latino: Language is Not Perfect, and That is Okay
Rosamelia Sanchez | Editor The word Latino has been around for a long time. It is often dated to the 19th century, and it has since then...

What Are Students Listening to?
Song: Kazino by BIBI "I am more connected to the music video and the meaning behind it. It raises awareness for sex trafficking” - Lyana...