Nov 26, 2024
What are you most looking Forward to this Holiday Season?
Jenna Moser: Liberal Arts "I am looking forward to taking a break from classes and schoolwork to attend my time to those I love and...
Oct 11, 2024
"If you could exchange lives with any fictional character for a week, who would it be?"
Oliver Fernandez: General Studies "I would choose superman because he seems like he has a very good life as a journalist outside of being...
Apr 25, 2024
"What's one thing that would make LCCC's campus better?"
Noah Moyer: Graphic Design "Bring back the cafeteria. It's more expensive now, I'm spending more on gas now than I spent on the old...
Mar 8, 2024
If you could have an unlimited supply of something (besides money), what would it be?
Preston Dech: Computer Forensics "If I could have an unlimited supply of anything it would be food." Nabab Amin: Graphic Design “I would...
Nov 20, 2023
What's your favorite memory from 2023?
Olivia Lovell "Going to the apple farm with my friends because I value the time with the people I love in my favorite season."...
Oct 14, 2023
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? And why?
Denise Roderick Biology ”Greece, because I like the movie Mamma Mia. They filmed it in Greece, and the beaches were pretty, and the ocean...
Apr 20, 2023
Who is your most-listened-to artist?
Evie Meyers Biology and Chemical Technology Artist- The Strokes Sara Garces Ruiz General Studies Artist- Bad Bunny Maddie Newman General...