Words From the Editor
Rosamelia Sanchez | Editor
From a young age, I have seen life through an artistic lens. I think that is why I have so many hobbies that I sometimes cannot keep up with.
Whether that is painting, writing, or even editing, I think that all the things that I enjoy doing the most are art. My time at LCCC helped me reconnect with my artistic self and finally decide to major in something that I love and am deeply passionate about. And that is journalism.
As of right now, I am completing an associate in communications at LCCC. Then, I will be transferring to a four-year university where I plan on getting a bachelor's degree in Journalism. My goal is to work in the publishing industry one day as an editor.
Being part of this wonderful team has allowed me to edit other writers’ work, and create my own. This is an experience that I will never forget.