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The Recurrence of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Writer| Samantha Ancelitz

The stress of school, work, and the holidays make this season not always the best time of the year.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), or the “winter blues,” can be even more distressing and overwhelming than spending Thanksgiving with your in-laws.

You may be wondering what SAD is and how does one identify the symptoms?

Well, if you have noticed significant changes in your mood and behavior whenever the seasons change, you may be suffering from SAD.

These mood changes can affect how a person feels, thinks, and carries out daily activities.

“When you piece together symptoms such as low energy, a loss of interest, and finding oneself increasingly sad, it becomes evident that a person’s daily functioning could be negatively impacted,”

said Jeffery Herman, Lehigh Carbon Community College (LCCC) counselor and professor.

The life of a college student is filled with many challenges. The stress that comes from academic struggles, financial worries, and poor self-care habits is enough to force some students to leave college or worse. It is completely understandable to feel overwhelmed and not know where to start to get help.

An anonymous LCCC student explained how SAD affects their studies and personal life.

“I can feel my mental health begin to change because I get an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness,” they said. “I fall behind on my schoolwork, and I have trouble managing my relationships since I just want to be alone.”

Fortunately, there are several different treatments available. Students who think they are suffering from SAD can contact the LCCC Counseling Center at 610-799-1895. Appointments are available by phone, Zoom, or in person.

The counseling office on the Schnecksville campus is located in the Student Services Center, room 126. There are also counseling services available at the Donley and Morgan sites too.

It is important to remember that you are not alone in your struggles, and talking to someone about your problems is always an outlet to help you move forward in life.

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