Words from the Editor
Max Barajas | Editor

This will be my last semester at LCCC, and what better way to end my time here than to be under Professor Heimann’s guidance, serving as a writer and eventually an editor for the Paw Print. When I first started here years ago, I never once thought I'd actually be doing any of this.
I will be transferring to Kutztown in the fall to major in English- Professional Writing. I desire to be an editor for a publishing house or newspaper.
When I first started here, I had no idea what I wanted to do, what I wanted to choose as a major. I was very unsure about what career path I wanted to take, and how I'd go on about taking it.
But I did my part and time, and eventually decided to choose English.
I am so thankful that I took Journalism and got to be a writer and editor for the Paw Print, and to Professor Heimann for giving me this opportunity to be a part of this experience. It’s been one of the biggest joys of my school path, and this has been a very rewarding experience that has helped me learn more things along the way and gain more experience in writing.
I’m also very thankful I got to be an editor alongside two very bright, knowledgeable students, Kevin and Alina. Along this journey, I've learned not only from Professor Heimann but from them as well, how to be a better writer and how to be stronger not only in writing but as a student.
Never be afraid to follow your true wishes and what your heart tells you. I bid everyone good luck in their future, and hope you have many accomplishments.
Thank you, everyone!
-Max Barajas