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At Home Garden Brings the Produce Aisle to you

The human race has learned remarkable ways of making almost everything more convenient, food availability included. A short supermarket trip replaces countless days growing produce from home. Despite this convenience, many are returning to a more domestic approach.

When purchasing produce from big-name grocery stores like Giant or Weis, it is impossible to know all that went into the food’s production. Of course, regulations are still strictly followed and enforced in the grocery industry, but genetic modification and artificial preservatives are sometimes required. Growing produce at home completely removes the need for preservatives.

According to writer Mehgan Lussier from the University of New Hampshire, the transportation of produce relies heavily on fossil fuels, therefore home-grown produce helps both the consumer and the environment. The farthest the food travels is from the yard to the plate.

Many people swear by homegrown fruits and vegetables, solely based on taste and freshness. There is also a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that comes with growing one’s own food. It can add an extra layer of love to any dish, because the plant itself was loved and cared for.

On top of the other benefits, this hobby saves people money. According to, maintaining a 600-square-foot garden for $70 per year can potentially save up to $600 annually on groceries.

One of the major reasons many people refuse to take up gardening is because it is often seen as time consuming. This can be true if one would like to have a full-sized, year-round garden; however, there is nothing wrong with starting small. Many start with one pot of berries or a small herb garden on their windowsill to see if they enjoy it. This is a far less demanding way to get a taste of the benefits.


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