Credit Fraud: It Can Happen to You
Anthony DeVenuta | Editor

Welcome back to another semester at LCCC. I hope you had a safe and enjoyable summer. Mine was quite eventful, to say the least—thanks to an unexpected run-in with credit card fraud.
Like many people, I thought fraud was something that happened to others. I was diligent with my credit cards, steering clear of obvious scams and always giving gas station card readers a good jiggle. I believed I was taking all the right precautions and that I was safe, but I was wrong.
In this age of advanced technology and AI, even the most vigilant can fall victim. One morning, I was shocked to discover that thousands of dollars had been charged to my credit card—seemingly out of nowhere. Dealing with the aftermath is a frustrating and time-consuming process, but I’m slowly making progress.
Whether you’ve experienced credit fraud or not don’t lose hope, there are effective ways to protect yourselves. Be proactive. Most banks now offer mobile apps equipped with a variety of security tools. Turn those notifications on and consider locking your cards when not in use. Many apps allow you to manually lock and unlock your cards, adding an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized transactions.
Take the time to talk to your bank and learn from my mistake. You do not want to experience the stress and hassle that comes with credit fraud. As always, stay smart, and stay safe out there.