The power of now

Times of turmoil came around faster than any of us could have anticipated. One moment, we’re sharing coronavirus memes- let’s face it, some of us still are- and now they might as well make the announcements into ads saying, “4 new cases of COVID-19 found near you!”
I’m struggling to find the comedy or silver lining as grade schools shut down until further notice, college students everywhere are switching to online platforms, and all of the social outings I was looking forward to have been canceled or postponed.
As the majority of us have had to slow down, we’re forced to think a little deeper about things- at least, I definitely have.
I have had to come to terms with something I’ve been realizing for a year and a half, but could never quite admit to myself; I, like many Americans today, had lost all touch with the present moment.
In the midst of the spring 2020 semester, I was on campus three times a week and two of those days lasted about nine hours each including drive time. I had a relationship that I could barely keep up with, and my relationship was starting to feel like just another thing “to do.” All of my thoughts were about the future, and none of them were focused in the now.
At the start of this partial quarantine, I was still addicted to the future with every spare second going to researching universities and getting ahead on class assignments. I’m a few weeks in now, and I think I’m gaining the sense of what’s important again… I’m rereading “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, the book that made me achieve 100% consciousness when I was 17 years old. I’m trying to find new hobbies and focus all of my attention in the now. I even drew a lion. A few weeks ago, I’d think it was a waste of time. Now… he’s kind of cute. I might draw another one.